What is Wu Yi tea? What are the health benefits of Wu Yi tea?

What is Wu Yi tea?

Wu Yi tea is a type of Oolong tea and is sometimes called Wu Long tea. The tea is grown in the mountainous regions on southern China, originally in the Wu Yi Mountain region. This Oolong tea gets the names for these Wu Yi Mountains. The tea is well known for its weight loss ability and health benefits. This is largely due to a substance called Polyphenol that is in the tea. This chemical activates enzymes that burn calories, which result in increased weight loss. This stimulates your metabolism and boosts your energy, which helps you lose even more weight. Green tea and black tea also have polyphenols in them, but Wu Yi Tea has a much higher amount, which results in more energy and lost weight.

This tea should be drank 2 - 4 times a day for the best weight loss and health benefits.
The benefits of Wu Yi tea have been studied a good deal. There have been many case studies and research projects done on the beverage. For example, in one study they took three groups of Japanese women. One group drank green tea, one group drank water, and one group drank oolong (wu yi) tea. The group who drank wu yi tea lost the largest amount of weight.

Is It a Scam?

No, Wu Yi tea is not a scam. There have been a few people who have claimed it is, but it’s not. Typically people say this if they don’t get the results they expected. This is probably because they had grossly unrealistic expectations of the drink or they didn’t give it enough time to get the results they expected. It’s been proven to work.

This tea, oolong tea, has been endorsed by Rachel Ray and Oprah. It’s gotten a lot of media attention lately because it’s been endorsed by these two and several other celebrities. Rachel Ray credits oolong wu yi tea for it’s ability to give her energy, and Oprah says it helped her lose weight Many more people are learning about the once-secret health benefits and weight loss abilities of this fantastic tea.

What are the health benefits of Wu Yi tea?

As you probably know, Wu Yi Oolong tea has many health benefits.
The most notable health benefit of this tea is its weight loss ability. You can ready more details in our “What is Wu Yi tea?” article, but basically it works like this: a chemical called Polyphenol activates enzymes that burn calories and boost your metabolism. It has been scientifically proven to work. If you drink 2 - 4 cups of wu yi tea a day, you should see very substantial weight loss benefits.

There are many other health benefits of oolong tea, however. Studies have show, or at least indicated, that wu yi oolong tea can lower cholesterol, increase energy, decreases the risk of hypertension, strengthens bones and teeth, and even possibly lower the risk of cancer. It also increases your skins tone and look, which makes you appear younger; effectively, it reduces the look of aging.

These are just a few of many health benefits of wu yi tea. There are many more possibilities. There is no question that wu yi oolong tea improves your quality of life.     pinterest      instagram        twitter

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