Healthy gums and teeth for a prettier smile. Follow these tips.

Healthy gums and teeth.

Clean after every meal: “Try to brush your teeth after every meal or at least sluice out your mouth with fresh water. The correct brushing technique is, to rest the bristles of your toothbrush along your gums and brush away from your gums on to your teeth. Never brush towards your gums. Start at the back of your mouth and work round to your front teeth. Replace your toothbrush as soon as the bristles start to bend (every three or four months).

Gum exercise: Gums need stimulation -— brushing helps; so does eating plenty of hard raw fruits and vegetables.

Clear spaces: Keep the spaces between your teeth clear by using toothpicks or unwaxed dental floss. Remember, the idea is to clean between your teeth and not to saw relentlessly into your gums. Use it, preferably at night before brushing.

Regular check-ups: Everyone should have a dental check-up every six months. Even if your teeth are hard and pain-free and your gums are pink and firm, do visit the dentist regularly.

Wash and brush-up: After every use, run your toothbrush under a fast- running cold tap to remove dentifrice and any particles of food between the bristles. Then hang the brush, head up, to dry. Do not let it nestle with other toothbrushes in a glass or container.

Warm water: If you have sensitive teeth and gums, it is best to brush your teeth using warm water.

For a prettier smile

Avoid smudges: If you have oily skin, choose a lipstick with a low-fat content as anything greasy with consistency will tend to smudge and smear.

Smooth protection: If you have dry skin, choose a greasy, moist type of lipstick, which will give more protection on your lips, and you will be able to smooth it on easily.

Make teeth look whiter: If your teeth have a yellow cast, choose coral, brick tones in lipstick to make your teeth look whiter.

Nose to mouth lines: To counteract nose to mouth lines, pull down your upper lip to cover your upper teeth. At the same time, cover your lower teeth with your lower lip. Hold for a count six, then relax. Repeat the same for four or five times.

Droopy corners: To counteract droopy lines at the corner of your mouth, try to smile as broadly as possible while keeping your lips firmly pressed together.

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