Early warnings in skincare. A short guide for skincare.


Late teens - early twenties: A normal skin is smooth, soft, and firm with a clear healthy colour, which could be likened to the skin of an apple. Even at this age moisturizing is essential as the natural moisture cells can begin to deflate. Use a moisturizer under makeup.

Mid-twenties: The ideal skin tone now resembles that of a peach – more soft and smooth, less glowing than an apple. Moisturizer helps counteract the appearance of fine expression lines around the eyes.

X Mid-thirties: The average skin becomes more dry and parched, looking with a tendency to a pale sallowness (not a jaundiced colour— more creamy). The main danger spots to watch are around eyes and mouth. Fine criss-cross lines indicate dryness, and really dry patches on cheeks and forehead show up in reddish colour. Remember, laughter is not the only emotion your face registers. You could develop your share of frown and disapproval lines, so watch your habitual expression. At this age, switch to a richer day and night moisturizer and stimulate your skin with massage, as described and masks to boost circulation and revive flagging colour.

Early forties: Watch out for deepening of lines under the eye and a tendency for the throat to become crépey. Continue the skincare pattern of the thirties and think in terms of 24 hours’ nourishment for your skin. Look at moisture-based makeup ranges and eye and throat creams for daytime use.

Mid-forties and over: Without a good skincare routine, your skin will become extra dry and lax, with deeply-etched lines around mouth and eyes and on the forehead. Sallow tones could become greyer and dull; tiny surface capillaries could rupture, leaving small purple-red blotches. Sagging muscles often make the jaw-line heavier, and the corners of the mouth might drop. The neck becomes more lined, and the throat muscles sag a bit. Gentle massage with appropriate creams can bring good results in all danger areas. Remember that skincare need not only be a bedtime routine. Follow appropriate tips given above and try to spare a little more time each day for essential maintenance.



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